U 992
High dielectric strength polyurethane Compound


U 992 is a low viscosity polyurethane compound designed for potting, sealing,
and encapsulation of electronic components.
U 992 is a self-extinguishing and UL HB compliance.

SKUMaterialBaseHardenerMix ViscosityMix Ratio By WeightShore 7 DaysService TempColorGel Time Min/25CPurposeVolumeUL 94
u-992PolyurethaneU 992UC 138650-800100:33A70-80-40 TO 120Cream/Black30-55Potting1L, 5LCompliant
SKU: u-992 Category: Components: Manufacturer:

Features & Benefits:

  • High dielectric strength.
  • Suitable for manual and automatic mixing
  • Room temperature curing.
  • Low viscosity
  • Self-extinguishing UL-HB Compliance.


Potting and encapsulating of electrical and electronic components and devices

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