U 105
Soft, Two Component PBD-based PU Compound offering exceptional hydrolytic stability and very low glass transition


U 105 is a two-component, unfilled, soft, potting, casting and encapsulating PU compound. It has excellent thermal cycling properties and hydrolytic stability, extremely low glass transition temperature and low water permeability.

SKUMaterialBaseHardenerMix ViscosityMix Ratio By WeightShore 7 DaysService TempColorGel Time Min/25CPurposeVolumeUL 94
U105PolyurethaneU 105UC 1381,300-1,700100:10A36-38-55 TO 90Black90-120Potting,Sealing1L, 5L, 18L, 200L
SKU: 72010 Category: Components: Manufacturer:

Features & Benefits:

  • High flexibility
  • High hydrolytic resistivity
  • Low moisture permeability
  • High thermal cycling resistivity
  • Low Tg
  • Excellent electrical properties

Electrical and electronic potting and encapsulation.

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