EP 630 P
High chemicals resistance epoxy compound


EP 630 P is a two-component epoxy resin compound with excellent adhesion to most metals and concrete. EP 630P Provides excellent resistance to gasoline, oil, water and many chemicals.

SKUMaterialBaseHardenerMix ViscosityMix Ratio By WeightShore 7 DaysService TempColorGel Time Min/25CPurposeVolumeUL 94
EP630-PEpoxyEP 630 PEPC 630 P1:1D82Gray60Bonding,Sealing200ML, 1L, 5L
SKU: 201175-1-1 Category: Components: Manufacturer:

EP 630 P High chemicals resistance epoxy compound Features & Benefits:

  • Easy mix 1:1 ratio
  • Putty compound
  • High chemicals resistance
  • Room temperature cure
  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • Curing time can be accelerated at higher temperature
  • Low water permeability

EP 630 P High chemicals resistance epoxy compound Applications:

Repairing cracks and breaks in castings, machinery, etc.


Download full specs for EP 630 P High chemicals resistance epoxy compound

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