EP 1900 DV
Flexible adhesive with high thermal shock resistivity


EP 1900 DV GRAY is a two-component flexible epoxy adhesive displaying excellent adhesion to metals, ceramics and plastic materials. EP 1900 DV GRAY has good thermal shock resistance and its flexibility prevents deformation between the bonded substrates

SKUMaterialBaseHardenerMix ViscosityMix Ratio By WeightShore 7 DaysService TempColorGel Time Min/25CPurposeVolumeUL 94
EP1900DVEpoxy AdhesiveEP 1900 DVEPC 1900 DV90,000-100,00090:100D72-74-40 TO 90Light Gray80-90Bonding600ML, 1L
SKU: 22120069570-1-1-1-3 Category: Components: Manufacturer:

EP 1900 DV Flexible adhesive with high thermal shock resistivity Features & Benefits:

  • Easy mix 1:1 ratio by volume
  • Flexible
  • Low moisture permeability
  • High adhesion properties
  • Excellent electrical properties

EP 1900 DV Flexible adhesive with high thermal shock resistivity Applications:

Bonding and sealing metals, plastics, rubbers and masonry products. Good retention of strength after environmental aging. Suitable for medical devices, filtration and electronics.


Download full specs for EP 1900 DV Flexible adhesive with high thermal shock resistivity

EP-1900-DV Download full specs